Belgian Alliance for Sustainable Construction

Let's accelerate the transition to sustainable, forward-looking, climate-proof construction. The alliance is a network for partners throughout the value chain of the construction sector in Belgium and has a mission to:
Integrate and stimulate sustainable development at micro and macro level in the Belgian construction sector among the different chain partners in a concrete and pragmatic way. This with a common agenda at federal level and in the three regions.
Increase the positive impact of the sector based on a common and holistic vision of innovation, sustainability and quality.
Accelerate the transition of the sector towards the European agenda of the Green Deal, its elaboration in the New European Bauhaus and the Sustainable Development Goals.
The unique added value of the Belgian Alliance for Sustainable Construction is that it offers an independently moderated platform for knowledge sharing and cooperation with a common agenda for all chain partners in the three regions and at federal level.
Preference should therefore be given to initiatives and actions where this unique added value is most profitable. These are initiatives and actions where complex stakeholder management and integration of different perspectives is needed.

Share knowledge of good practices and (new) initiatives from different sectors, both nationally and internationally, to accelerate the transition to sustainable, future-oriented and climate-proof building.
Constructive dialogue with public authorities
Striving towards standardisation and integration of the fragmented landscape of sustainability standards, certificates and measurement systems.